Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. outrageous            
mon.strous \'ma:n(t)-str*s\ aj obs  1: STRANGE, UNNATURAL  2: having 
   extraordinary often overwhelming size : GIGANTIC  3a: having the qualities 
   or appearance of a monster  obs  3b: teeming with monsters  4a: 
   extraordinarily ugly or vicious : HORRIBLE  4b: shockingly wrong or 
   ridiculous  5: deviating greatly from the natural form or character : 
   ABNORMAL  6: very great - used as an intensive M mean extremely impressive 
   esp. in size. MONSTROUS further implies ugliness, deformity, or 
   fabulousness; PRODIGIOUS suggests a marvelousness exceeding belief; 
   TREMENDOUS may imply a power to terrify or inspire awe; STUPENDOUS a power 
   to stun or astound - mon.strous.ly av SYN syn MONSTROUS, PRODIGIOUS,