Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. excuse                
1. par.don \'pa:rd-*n\ n 1a: the excusing of an offense without exacting a 
   penalty  1b: divine forgiveness  2: INDULGENCE  3a: a release from the 
   legal penalties of an offense  3b: an official warrant of remission of 
   penalty  4: excuse or forgiveness for a fault, offense, or discourtesy 
2. pardon \'pa:rd-nin, -*n-in\ vt or par.don.ing [ME pardonen, fr. MF 
   pardoner, fr. LL perdonare to grant free]ly, fr. L per- thoroughly + donare 
   to give - more at PARBOIL, DONATION 1a: to free from penalty  1b: to remit 
   the penalty of : FORGIVE  2: TOLERATE