remit \ri-'mit\ \ri-'mit, 're--.\ \ri-'mit-m*nt\ \-'mit-*-b*l\ vb or; or [ME remitten, fr. L remittere to send back, fr.
re- + mitt]ere to send - more at SMITE 1a: to release from the guilt or
penalty of {~ sins} 1b: to refrain from exacting 1c: to cancel or refrain
from inflicting 1d: to give relief from (suffering) 2a: to lay aside (a
mood or disposition) partly or wholly 2b: to desist from 2c: to let
slacken : RELAX 3: to submit or refer for consideration, judgment,
decision, or action; Xspecif : REMAND 4: to restore or consign to a former
status or condition 5: POSTPONE, DEFER 6: to send (money) to a person or
place esp. in payment of a demand, accou nt, or draft 1a: to abate in force
or intensity : MODERATE of a disease or abnormality 1b: to abate symptoms
for a period 2: to send money (as in payment) - n