Webster's English Dictionary

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1. war.rant \'wo.r-*nt, 'wa:r-\ n [ME, protector, warrant, fr. ONF warant, 
   modif. of a Gmc noun represented] by OHG were-nto guarantor, fr. prp. of 
   were-n to warrant; akin to OHG wa-ra trust, care - more at VERY 1a1: 
   SANCTION, AUTHORIZATION; also : evidence for or to ken of authorization 
   PROOF  2a: a commission or document giving authority to do something; 
   specif  : a writing that authorizes a person to pay or deliver to another 
   and the other to receive money or other consideration 2b: a precept or writ 
   issued by a competent magistrate authorizing an offic er to make an arrest, 
   a seizure, or a search or to do other acts incident to the administration 
   of justice 2c: an official certificate of appointment issued to an officer 
   of lower ra nk than a commissioned officer 2d1: a short-term obligation of 
   a municipality or other governmental body i ssued in anticipation of 
   revenue 2d2: an instrument issued by a corporation giving to the holder the 
   right t o subscribe to the capital stock of the corporation at a fixed 
   price either for a limited period or perpetually
2. warrant vt [ME warranten, fr. ONF warantir, fr. warant] 1a: to declare 
   or maintain with certainty  1b: to assure (a person) of the truth of what 
   is said  2a: to guarantee to a person good title to and undisturbed 
   possession of ( as an estate) 2b: to provide a guarantee of the security of 
   (as title to property sold)  usu. by an express covenant in the deed of 
   conveyance 2c: to guarantee to be as represented  2d: to guarantee (as 
   goods sold) esp. in respect of the quality or quantit y specified 3: to 
   guarantee security or immunity to : SECURE  4: to give warrant or sanction 
   to : AUTHORIZE {the law ~Xs this procedure} 5a: to give proof of : ATTEST  
   5b: to give assurance of the nature of or for the undertaking of : GU 
   ARANTEE 6: to serve as or give ground or reason for : JUSTIFY