Webster's English Dictionary

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of.fense or of.fence \*-'fen(t)s, 'a:f-.en(t)s\ \-l*s\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L 
   offensa, fr. offensus, pp. of offendere] obs  1a: an act of stumbling  
   archaic  1b: a cause or occasion of sin : STUMBLING BLOCK  2: something 
   that outrages the moral or physical senses : NUISANCE  3: the act of 
   attacking : ASSAULT  4a: the act of displeasing or affronting  4b: the 
   state of being insulted or morally outraged  5a: SIN, MISDEED  5b: an 
   infraction of law : CRIME EON, HUFF mean an emotional response to a slight 
   or indignity. OFFENSE implies hurt displeasure; RESENTMENT suggests a 
   longer lasting indignation or smoldering ill will; UMBRAGE implies a 
   feeling of being snubbed or ignored; PIQUE applies to a transient feeling 
   of wounded vanity; DUDGEON suggests an angry fit of indignation; HUFF 
   implies a peevish short-lived spell of anger usu. at a petty causen a 
   transgression of law. OFFENSE is a general term applying to the infraction 
   of any law, rule, or code; SIN implies an offense against the moral law; 
   VICE applies to a habit or practice that degrades or corrupts; CRIME 
   implies a serious offense punishable by the law of the state; SCANDAL 
   applies to an offense that outrages the public conscience or damages the 
   integrity of an organization or group - of.fense.less aj SYN syn OFFENSE, 
   SCANDAL mea