Webster's English Dictionary

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per.cep.ti.ble \p*r-'sep-t*-b*l\ \-ble-\ aj : capable of being 
   perceivedMAPPRECIABLE, PONDERABLE mean apprehensible as real or existent. 
   PERCEPTIBLE applies to what can be discerned by the senses to the smallest 
   extent; SENSIBLE to what is clearly though not markedly seen, heard, 
   smelled, sometimes in contrast to what is discerned only by the intellect; 
   PALPABLE applies either to what has physical substance or to what is 
   obvious and unmistakable; TANGIBLE suggests what is capable of being 
   handled or grasped both physically and mentally; APPRECIABLE applies to 
   what is distinctly discernible by the senses or definitely measurable; 
   PONDERABLE suggests having definitely measurable weight or importance esp. 
   as distinguished from eluding such determination - per.cep.ti.bly av SYN