Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. liquid                
1. flu.id \'flu:-*d\ aj [F or L; F fluidus, fr. fluere to flow; akin to Gk 
   phlyzein t]o boil over, L flare to blow - more at BLOW 1a: having particles 
   that easily move without a separation of the mass and  easily yield to 
   pressure 1b: likely or tending to change or move  2: characterized by or 
   employing a smooth easy style  3a: available for a different use  3b: 
   easily converted into cash  - flu.id.ly av
2. fluid \'flu:-*d-*l\ \-*l-e-\ n : a substance tending to flow or conform 
   to the outline of its container  - flu.id.al aj