1. fill \'fil\ vb [ME fillen, fr. OE fyllan; akin to OE full] 1a: to put
into as much as can be held or conveniently contained 1b: to supply with a
full complement 1c1: to cause to swell or billow 1c2: to trim (a sail) to
catch the wind 1d: to raise the level of with fill 1e: to repair the
cavities of (teeth) 1f: to stop up : OBSTRUCT 2a: FEED, SATIATE 2b:
SATISFY, FULFILL {~s all requirements} 3a: to occupy the whole of 3b: to
spread through 4a: OCCUPY, HOLD 4b: to place a person in 5: to supply as
directed 6: to cover the surface of with a layer of precious metal : to
become full : to take one's place or position : to serve the purpose
satisfactorily - fill one's shoes
2. fill n 1: a full supply; esp : a quantity that satisfies or satiates 2:
material used to fill a receptacle, cavity, or passage