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Cross references:
  1. black tea              2. oolong                
tea \'te-\ n [Chin (Amoy) t'e] 1a: a shrub (Camellia sinensis of the family 
   Theaceae, the tea family ) cultivated esp. in China, Japan, and the East 
   Indies 1b: the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of this plant used in 
   preparing a  beverage after curing by immediate withering and firing or by 
   firing after fermenting and oxidizing or after partial oxidizing 
   respectively  2: an aromatic beverage prepared from tea leaves by infusion 
   with boiling w ater 3: any of numerous other plants more or less like tea; 
   also : an in fusion from their leaves used medicinally or as a beverage 4a: 
   refreshments usu. including tea with bread and butter sandwiches, crack 
   ers, or cookies served in late afternoon 4b: a reception at which tea is 