Webster's English Dictionary

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1. male \'ma-(*)l\ \-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF masle, male, adj. & n., fr. L 
   masculus, dim. of (Xmar-, mas male 1a1: of, relating to, or being the sex 
   that begets young by performing the  fertilizing function in generation by 
   producing relatively small usu. motile gametes (as sperms, spermatozoids, 
   spermatozoa) by which the eggs of a female are made fertile {~ organs} 1a2: 
   STAMINATE; esp : having only staminate flowers and not  producing fruit or 
   seeds {a ~ holly} 1b1: of, relating to, or characteristic of the male sex 
   {a deep ~  voice} {full of ~ energy} 1b2: made up of male individuals and 
   esp. men {a ~ choir}  2: MASCULINE  3: designed for fitting into a 
   corresponding hollow part L, VIRILE: MALE applies to animals and plants as 
   well as to human beings and always indicates sex; MASCULINE suggests 
   qualities distinguishing men from women; MANLY suggests the admirable 
   qualitites of a mature man and applies esp. to youth; MANLIKE suggests the 
   characteristic qualities of men and particularly applies to masculine 
   foibles; MANFUL is somewhat narrower in scope than MANLY in stressing 
   courage and resolution; VIRILE differs from MANLY in stressing driving 
   energy, aggressiveness, or male sexuality - male.ness n SYN syn MASCULINE, 
2. male n : a plant or animal that is male