Webster's English Dictionary

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strong \'stro.n\ \'stro.n-g*r\ \'stro.n-g*st\ \'stro.n-le-\ aj or 
   stron.ger;  or stron.gest [ME, fr. OE strang; akin to OHG strengi strong, L 
   stringere t]o bind tight - more at STRAIN 1: having or marked by great 
   physical power : ROBUST  2: having moral or intellectual power  3: having 
   great resources (as of wealth)  4: of a specified number {an army ten 
   thousand ~}  5: effective or efficient esp. in a specified direction  6: 
   FORCEFUL, COGENT  7: not mild or weak : INTENSE : as  7a: rich in some 
   active agent (as a flavor or extract) {~ beer}  of a color  7b: high in 
   chroma  7c: ionizing freely in solution {~ acids and bases}  7d: magnifying 
   by refracting greatly {~ lens}  obs  8: FLAGRANT  9: moving with rapidity 
   or force {~ wind}  10: ARDENT, ZEALOUS  11a: not easily injured : SOLID  
   11b: not easily subdued or taken {a ~ fort}  12: well-established : FIRM  
   13: having an offensive or intense odor or flavor : RANK  14: tending to 
   steady or higher prices {a ~ market}  15: of, relating to, or constituting 
   a verb or verb conjugation that forms  the past tense by a change in the 
   root vowel and the past participle usu. by the addition of -en with or 
   without change of the root vowel (as strive, strove, striven or drink, 
   drank, drunk), TENACIOUS mean showing power to resist or to endure. STRONG 
   may imply power derived from muscular vigor, large size, structural 
   soundness, intellectual or spiritual resources; STOUT suggests an ability 
   to endure stress, pain, or hard use without giving way; STURDY implies 
   strength derived from vigorous growth, determination of spirit, solidity of 
   construction; STALWART suggests an unshakable dependability and connotes 
   great physical strength; TOUGH implies great firmness and resiliency; 
   TENACIOUS suggests strength in seizing, retaining, clinging to, or holding 
   together - strong av SYN syn STRONG, STOUT, STURDY, STALWART, TOUGH