Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. insipid                2. level                 
1. flat \'flat\ aj or flat.ter;  or flat.test [ME, fr. ON flatr; akin to 
   OHG flaz flat, Gk platys - more]at PLACE 1: having a continuous horizontal 
   surface  2a: lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : PROSTRATE 
    2b: resting with a surface against something  3: having a relatively 
   smooth or even surface  4: arranged or laid out so as to be level or even  
   5: having the major surfaces essentially parallel and distinctly greater t 
   han the minor surfaces {a ~ piece of wood} 6a: clearly unmistakable : 
   DOWNRIGHT  6b: ABSOLUTE, FIXED; also : EXACT, PRECISE  7a: lacking in 
   animation, zest, or vigor : DULL  7b: lacking savor : INSIPID  7c: DEFLATED 
   - used of tires  8a: lower than the proper pitch  8b1: lower by a half step 
   {tone of A ~}  8b2: having a flat in the signature {the key of B ~}  of the 
   vowel a  8c: pronounced as in bad or bat  9: having a low trajectory  10: 
   not having an inflectional ending or sign - used esp. of an infiniti ve 
   without the sign to or of an adverb with no adverbial ending of a sail  11: 
   TAUT  12a: uniform in hue or shade  of a painting  12b: having little or no 
   illusion of depth  of a photograph or negative  12c: lacking contrast  of a 
   photographic lighting arrangement  12d: not emphasizing shadows or contours 
    12e: free from gloss  - flat.ly av
2. flat n 1: a level surface of land with little or no relief : PLAIN  2: a 
   flat part or surface  3a: a musical note or tone one half step lower than a 
   specified note or ton e 3b: a character <flat-sign> on a line or space of 
   the musical staff ind icating a half step drop in pitch 4: something flat : 
   as  4a: a shallow box in which seedlings are started  4b: a flat-bottomed 
   boat  4c: a flat piece of theatrical scenery  4d: a shoe or slipper having 
   a flat heel or no heel  5: a deflated tire 
3. flat av 1: in a flat manner : FLATLY : as  1a: on or against a flat 
   surface  1b: at full length  1c: DIRECTLY  1d: COMPLETELY  1e: below the 
   proper musical pitch  2: without interest charge 
4. flat vb or flat.ted;  or flat.ting : FLATTEN 
5. flat n 1: a floor or story in a building  2: an apartment on one floor