Webster's English Dictionary

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pre.dic.a.ment \pri-'dik-*-m*nt, 1 is usu 'pred-i-k*-\ n [ME, fr. LL 
   praedicamentum, fr. praedicare] 1: the character, status, or classification 
   assigned by a predication; s pecif : CONDITION, STATE 2: a difficult, 
   perplexing, or trying situation : DILEMMAMPICKLE: PREDICAMENT suggests a 
   difficult situation usu. offering no satisfactory solution; DILEMMA implies 
   a predicament presenting a choice between equally bad alternatives; 
   QUANDARY stresses puzzlement and perplexity; PLIGHT suggests an unfortunate 
   or trying situation; FIX and JAM are informal equivalents of PLIGHT but are 
   more likely to suggest involvement through some fault or wrongdoing; PICKLE 
   implies a distressing or embarrassing situation SYN syn DILEMMA, QUANDARY,