Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. predicament           
1. jam \'jam\ vb or jammed;  or jam.ming [perh. of imit. origin] 1a: to 
   press into a close or tight position {~ his hat on}  1b1: to cause to 
   become wedged so as to be unworkable {~ the typew riter keys} 1b2: to make 
   unworkable by such jamming  1c: to block passage of : OBSTRUCT  1d: to fill 
   often to excess : PACK  2: to push forcibly; specif : to apply (the brakes) 
   suddenly with  full force 3: CRUSH, BRUISE  4a: to make unintelligible by 
   sending out interfering signals or messages  4b: to make (as a radar 
   apparatus) ineffective by jamming signals or by ca using reflection of 
   radar waves 1a: to become blocked or wedged  1b: to become unworkable 
   through the jamming of a movable part  2: to force one's way into a 
   restricted space  3: to take part in a jam session  - jam.mer n
2. jam n 1a: an act or instance of jamming  1b: a crowded mass that impedes 
   or blocks  2a: the quality or state of being jammed  2b: the pressure or 
   congestion of a crowd : CRUSH  3: a difficult state of affairs 
3. jam n : a food made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick consistency