Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. predicament           
1. pick.le \'pik-*l\ n [ME pekille] 1: a solution or bath for preserving or 
   cleaning : as  1a: a brine or vinegar solution in which foods are preserved 
    1b: any of various baths used in industrial cleaning or processing  2: a 
   difficult situation : PLIGHT  3: an article of food that has been preserved 
   in brine or in vinegar 
2. pickle \-(*-)lin\ vt or pick.ling : to treat, preserve, or clean in or 
   with a pickle 
3. pickle n [perh. fr. Sc pickle (to trifle, pilfer)] Scot  1: GRAIN, 
   KERNEL  Scot  2: a small quantity