Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. preceding             
1. pri.or \'pri-(-*)r\ \'pri--*-r*t\ \'pri-(-*)r-.ship\ n [ME, fr. OE & MF, 
   fr. ML, fr. LL, administrator, fr. L, former, superior, compa]r. of OL pri 
   before; akin to L priscus ancient, prae before - more at FOR 1: the 
   superior ranking next to the abbot of a monastery  2: the superior of a 
   house or group of houses of any of various religious c ommunities - 
   pri.or.ate n
2. pri.or \'pri-(-*)r\ aj 1: earlier in time or order  2: taking precedence 
   logically or in importance or value  - pri.or.ly av