Webster's English Dictionary

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1. house \'hau.s\ \'hau.-z*z\ n or hous.es [ME hous, fr. OE hu-s; akin to 
   OHG hu-s house] pl  1: a building that serves as living quarters for one or 
   a few families  2a: something that serves an animal for shelter or 
   habitation  2b: a building in which something is housed {carriage ~}  3a: 
   one of the 12 equal sectors in which the celestial sphere is divided in  
   astrology 3b: a zodiacal sign that is the seat of a planet's greatest 
   influence  4a: HOUSEHOLD  4b: a family including ancestors, descendants, 
   and kindred  5a: a residence for a religious community or for students  5b: 
   the community or students in residence  6a: a legislative, deliberative, or 
   consultative assembly; esp : on e constituting a division of a bicameral 
   body 6b: the building or chamber where such an assembly meets  6c: a quorum 
   of such an assembly  7a: a place of business or entertainment  7b1: a 
   business organization  7b2: the operator of a gambling establishment  7c: 
   the audience in a theater or concert hall 
2. house \'hau.z\ vt 1a: to provide with living quarters or shelter  1b: to 
   store in a house  2a: to encase, enclose, or shelter as if by putting in a 
   house  2b: to stow or secure in a safe place {~ spars}  3: to serve as 
   shelter for : CONTAIN  : to take shelter : LODGE