Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. debase                 2. vicious               
1. cor.rupt \k*-'r*pt\ vb [ME corrupten, fr. L corruptus, pp. of 
   corrumpere, fr. com]- + rumpere to break - more at REAVE 1: to change from 
   good to bad in morals, manners, or actions; specif  : BRIBE 2: ROT, SPOIL  
   3: to subject to corruption of blood  4: to alter from the original or 
   correct form or version  1a: to become tainted or rotten  1b: to become 
   morally debased  2: to cause disintegration or ruin 
2. corrupt \-'r*p-(t)le-\ \-'r*p(t)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF, or L; MF, fr. L 
   corruptus, fr. pp. of corrumpere] 1a: morally perverted : DEPRAVED  1b: 
   characterized by bribery, the selling of political favors, or other im 
   proper conduct archaic  2: TAINTED, PUTRID  - cor.rupt.ly av