Webster's English Dictionary

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1. of.fer \'o.f-*r, 'a:f-\ \-(*-)rin\ vb or of.fer.ing [ME offren, in sense 
   1, fr. OE offrian, fr. LL offerre, fr. L], to present, tender, fr. ob- 
   toward + ferre to carry; in other senses, fr. OF offrir, fr. L offerre - 
   more at OB-, BEAR 1a: to present as an act of worship or devotion : 
   SACRIFICE  1b: to utter in devotion  2a: to present for acceptance or 
   rejection : TENDER  2b: to present in order to satisfy a requirement  3a: 
   PROPOSE, SUGGEST  3b: to declare one's readiness or willingness {~ed to 
   help m e} 4a: to put up {~ed stubborn resistance}  4b: THREATEN {~ed to 
   strike him with his cane}  5: to make available : AFFORD; esp : to place 
   (merchandise ) on sale 6: to present in performance or exhibition  7: to 
   propose as payment : BID  1: to present something as an act of worship or 
   devotion : SACRIFICE)M archaic  2: to make an attempt  3: to present itself 
    4: to make a proposal; esp : to propose marriage 
2. offer n 1a: PROPOSAL; specif : a proposal of marriage  1b: an 
   undertaking made in consideration of the reciprocal promise of anoth er obs 
    2: OFFERING  3: a price named by one proposing to buy : BID  4a: ATTEMPT, 
   TRY  4b: an action or movement indicating a purpose or intention