Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. criticize             
1. rep.ro.bate \'rep-r*-.ba-t\ \.rep-r*-'ba--sh*n\ \'rep-r*-.ba-t-iv\ 
   \-b*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ vt [ME reprobaten, fr. LL reprobatus, pp. of 
   reprobare - more]at REPROVE 1: to condemn as unworthy or evil  2: to 
   foreordain to damnation  3: to refuse to accept : REJECT  - rep.ro.ba.tion 
2. reprobate aj archaic  1: rejected as not enduring proof or trial : 
   CONDEMNED  2a: foreordained to damnation  2b: morally abandoned : DEPRAVED  
   3: expressing or involving reprobation  4: of, relating to, or 
   characteristic of a reprobate : CORRUPT 
3. reprobate n : a reprobate person