Webster's English Dictionary

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crit.i.cize \'krit-*-.si-z\ vi : to act as a critic  1: to consider the 
   merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : EVA LUATE 2: to stress the 
   faults of : cavil at DEMN, DENOUNCE: CRITICIZE implies finding fault esp. 
   with methods or policies or intentions; REPREHEND implies both criticism 
   and severe rebuking; BLAME may imply simply the opposite of praise but more 
   often suggests the placing of responsibility for something bad or 
   unfortunate; CENSURE carries a stronger suggestion of authority and of 
   reprimanding than BLAME; REPROBATE implies strong disapproval or firm 
   refusal to sanction; CONDEMN usu. suggests an unqualified and final 
   unfavorable judgment; DENOUNCE adds to CONDEMN the implication of a public 
   declaration - crit.i.ciz.er n SYN syn REPREHEND, BLAME, CENSURE, REPROBATE, 