Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.tail \'re--.ta-l, esp for 2 also ri-'ta-(-*)l\ vb [ME retailen, fr. 
   MF retaillier to cut back, divide into pieces, fr]. OF, fr. re- + taillier 
   to cut - more at TAILOR 1a: to sell in small quantities  1b: to sell 
   directly to the ultimate consumer  2: TELL, RETELL  : to sell at retail  - 
   re.tail.er n
2. re.tail \'re--.ta-l\ n : the sale of commodities or goods in small 
   quantities to ultimate consume rs 1: at a retailer's price  2: RETAIL  - at 
3. retail \'re--.\ aj : of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of 
   commodities at retail {@ trade}
4. retail \'re--.\ av 1: in small quantities  2: from a retailer