Webster's English Dictionary

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1. price \'pri-s\ n [ME pris, fr. OF, fr. L pretium price, money; akin to 
   Skt prati-] against, in return - more at PROS- archaic  1: VALUE, WORTH  
   2a: the quantity of one thing that is exchanged or demanded in barter or sa 
   le for another 2b: the amount of money given or set as consideration for 
   the sale of a spe cified thing 3: the terms for the sake of which something 
   is done or undertaken : as  3a: an amount sufficient to bribe one  3b: a 
   reward for the apprehension or death of a person  4: the cost at which 
   something is obtained 
2. price vt 1: to set a price on  2: to ask the price of  3: to drive by 
   raising prices excessively {priced themselves out o f the market} - pric.er 