Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tai.lor \'ta--l*r\ \-l*-r*s\ n [ME taillour, fr. OF tailleur, fr. 
   taillier to cut, fr. LL Xtaliare, fr. L talea twig, cutting; akin to Gk 
   te-lis fenugreek : one whose occupation is making or altering men's or 
   women's outer garmen ts - tai.lor.ess n
2. tailor vi : to do the work of a tailor  1a: to make or fashion as the 
   work of a tailor  1b: to make or adapt to suit a special need or purpose  
   2: to fit with clothes  3: to style (as women's garments) with trim 
   straight lines and finished ha ndwork like that of a tailor's work on men's 