Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sell \'sel\ \'so-ld\ \-*-b*l\ vb or sold;  or sell.ing [ME sellen, fr. 
   OE sellan; akin to OHG sellen to sell, ON ]sala sale, Gk helein to take 1: 
   to deliver or give up in violation of duty, trust, or loyalty : BE TRAY 
   2a1: to give up (property) to another for money or other valuable consider 
   ation 2a2: to offer for sale  2b: to give up in return for something else 
   esp. foolishly or dishonorably  {sold his birthright for a mess of pottage} 
   2c: to exact a price for  3a: to deliver into slavery for money  3b: to 
   give into the power of another  3c: to deliver the personal services of for 
   money  4: to dispose of or manage for profit instead of in accordance with 
   consci ence, justice, or duty {sold his vote} 5a: to develop a belief in 
   the truth, value, or desirability of  5b: to persuade or influence to a 
   course of action or to the acceptance of  something {~ children on reading} 
   6: to impose upon : CHEAT {realized that he had been sold)> 7a: to cause or 
   promote the sale of  7b: to make or attempt to make sales to  7c: to 
   influence or induce to make a purchase  1: to dispose of something by sale  
   2: to achieve a sale  3: to have a specified price  1: to make a short sale 
   {made a fortune by selling short}  2: to fail to value properly : 
   UNDERESTIMATE {made the mistake o f selling his rival short} - sell.able aj
2. sell n 1: a deliberate deception : HOAX  2: the act or an instance of 
   selling : SALESMANSHIP 
3. sell or selle \'sel\ n [ME selle, fr. MF, fr. L sella - more at SETTLE] 
   archaic  : SADDLE 
4. sell \'sel\  chiefly Scot var of SELF