Cross references:
1. correct
1. re.vise or \ri-'vi-z\ \-'vi--z*r\ vt [F reviser, fr. L
revisere to look at again, fr. revisus, pp.] of revide-re to see again, fr.
re- + vide-re to see - more at WIT 1: to look over again in order to
correct or improve {~ a manuscri pt} 2a: to make a new, amended, improved,
or up-to-date version of {~ a dictionary} 2b: to provide with a new
taxonomic arrangement {revising the alpi ne ferns} - n
2. re.vise \', ri-'\ n 1: an act of revising : REVISION 2: a
printing proof taken from matter that incorporates changes marked in a
previous proof