1. date \'da-t\ n [ME, fr. OF, deriv. of L dactylus, fr. Gk daktylos, lit.,
finger] 1: the oblong edible fruit of a palm (Phoenix dactylifera) 2: the
tall palm with pinnate leaves that yields the date
2. date n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL data, fr. data (as in data Romae given at]
Rome), fem. of L datus, pp. of dare to give; akin to Gk didonai to give 1a:
the time at which an event occurs 1b: a statement of the time of execution
or making 2: DURATION 3: the period of time to which something belongs
4a: an appointment for a specified time; esp : a social engagement between
two persons of opposite sex 4b: a person of the opposite sex with whom one
has a social engagement : up to the present moment - to date
3. date \'da-t-*r\ vt 1: to determine the date of 2: to record the date of
3a: to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period 3b: to
show up plainly the age of 4: to make or have a date with 1: to reckon
chronologically 2: to become dated and written 3a: ORIGINATE 3b: EXTEND
4: to show qualities typical of a past period - n