Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. expect                 2. see                   
1. look \'lu.k\ vb [ME looken, fr. OE lo-cian; akin to OS lo-co-n to lo]ok 
   1: to make sure or take care (that something is done)  2: to ascertain by 
   the use of one's eyes  3a: to exercise the power of vision upon : EXAMINE  
   archaic  3b: to search for  4: EXPECT  archaic  5: to bring into a place or 
   condition by the exercise of the power of visi on 6: to express by the eyes 
   or facial expression  7: to have an appearance that befits or accords with  
   1a: to exercise the power of vision : SEE  1b: to direct one's attention  
   1c: to direct the eyes  2: to have the appearance of being : SEEM  3: to 
   have a specified outlook {the house ~ed east}  4: to gaze in wonder or 
   surprise : STARE  5: to show a tendency {the evidence ~s to acquittal}  : 
   to take care of  1: to await with hope or anticipation  2: to search for  - 
   look after 
2. look n 1a: the action of looking  1b: GLANCE  2a: the expression of the 
   countenance  2b: physical appearance; esp : attractive physical appearance 
   - u su. used in pl. 3: the state or form in which something appears :