Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rural                 
1. rus.tic \'r*s-tik\ \-ti-k*l\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ \.r*s-'tis-*t-e-\ aj [ME 
   rustik, fr. MF rustique, fr. L rusticus, fr. rus op]en land - more at ROOM 
   1: of, relating to, or suitable for the country : RURAL  2a: made of the 
   rough limbs of trees {~ furniture}  2b: RUSTICATED {a ~ joint in masonry}  
   3a: characteristic of or resembling country people  3b: AWKWARD, BOORISH  
   4: PLAIN, STURDY  - rus.ti.cal aj
2. rustic n 1: an inhabitant of a rural area  2a: an awkward coarse person  
   2b: an unsophisticated rural person