Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. rude                  
1. rough \'r*f\ aj [ME, fr. OE ru-h; akin to L ruga wrinkle, Gk oryssein to 
   d]ig, ON ro:gg tuft - more at RUG 1a: marked by inequalities, ridges, or 
   projections on the surface : C OARSE 1b: covered with or made up of coarse 
   and often shaggy hair  1c1: having a broken, uneven, or bumpy surface  1c2: 
   difficult to travel over or penetrate : WILD  2a: TURBULENT, TEMPESTUOUS  
   2b1: characterized by harshness, violence, or force  2b2: DIFFICULT, TRYING 
    3: coarse or rugged in character or appearance : as  3a: harsh to the ear  
   3b: crude in style or expression  3c: INDELICATE  3d: marked by a lack of 
   refinement or grace : UNCOUTH  4a: CRUDE, UNFINISHED  4b: executed hastily, 
   tentatively, or imperfectly {a ~ draft} (~ estimate} 5: pronounced with 
   aspiration {a ~ vowel}  mean not smooth or even. ROUGH implies points, 
   bristles, ridges, or projections on the surface; HARSH implies a surface or 
   texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch; UNEVEN implies a lack of 
   uniformity in height, breadth, or quality; RUGGED implies irregularity or 
   roughness of land surface and connotes difficulty of travel; SCABROUS 
   implies scaliness or prickliness of surface and may connote diseased or 
   decayed appearance - rough.ly av SYN syn ROUGH, HARSH, UNEVEN, RUGGED, 
2. rough n 1: uneven ground covered with high grass, brush, and stones; 
   specif :: such ground bordering a golf fairway 2: the disagreeable side or 
   aspect  3a: something in a crude, unfinished, or preliminary state  3b: 
   broad outline : general terms  3c: a hasty preliminary drawing or layout  
3. rough vt 1: ROUGHEN  2a: MANHANDLE, BEAT - usu. used with up  2b: to 
   subject to unnecessary and intentional violence in a sport  3: to calk or 
   otherwise roughen (a horse's shoes) to prevent slipping  4a: to shape, 
   make, or dress in a rough or preliminary way  4b: to indicate the chief 
   lines of {~ out the structure of a build ing} : to live under primitive 
   conditions  - rough.er n