awk.ward \'o.-kw*rd\ aj [ME awkeward in the wrong direction, fr. awke
turned the wrong way,] fr. ON o:fugr; akin to OHG abuh turned the wrong
way, L opacus obscure obs 1a: PERVERSE 1b: ADVERSE 2: lacking or showing
lack of dexterity or skill esp. in the use of the hands or of instruments
: CLUMSY 3a: lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression) 3b:
appearing ill-proportioned, outsize, or poorly fitted together : UNGAINLY
4a: lacking social grace and assurance 4b: causing embarrassment 5:
poorly adapted for use or handling 6: requiring caution is widely
applicable and may suggest unhandiness, inconvenience, lack of muscular
control, embarrassment, lack of tact; CLUMSY implies stiffness and
heaviness and so may connote inflexibility, unwieldiness, or lack of
ordinary skill; MALADROIT, INEPT, and GAUCHE imply lack of mental or social
dexterity; MALADROIT suggests a tendency to create awkward situations;
INEPT suggests a lack of aptness leading to futile or absurd situations or
prompting inane remarks and often implies complete failure or inadequacy;
GAUCHE implies the effects of shyness, inexperience, or ill breeding - av SYN syn CLUMSY, MALADROIT, INEPT, GAUCHE: AWKWARD