Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. noticeable            
1. sa.lient \'sa--ly*nt, -le--*nt\ aj [L salient-, saliens, prp. of salire 
   to leap - more at S]ALLY 1: moving by leaps or springs : JUMPING; specif : 
   SALIE NTIAN {a ~ amphibian} 2: jetting upward {~ fountain}  3a: projecting 
   beyond a line, surface, or level : PROTUBERANT  3b: standing out 
   conspicuously : PROMINENT, STRIKING {~  traits} - sa.lient.ly av
2. salient n : something that projects outward or upward from its 
   surroundings; spec if : an outwardly projecting part of a fortification, 
   trench system, or line of defense