Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lev.el \'lev-*l\ n [ME, fr. MF livel, fr. (assumed) VL libellum, alter. 
   of L libell]a, fr. dim. of libra weight, balance 1: a device for 
   establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a bubbl e in a liquid 
   that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a 
   slightly bowed glass tube 2: a measurement of the difference of altitude of 
   two points by means of a  level 3: horizontal condition; esp : equilibrium 
   of a fluid marked by a h orizontal surface of even altitude {water seeks 
   its own ~} 4a: an approximately horizontal line or surface taken as an 
   index of altitu de 4b: a practically horizontal surface or area  5: a 
   position in any scale : RANK  6a: a line or surface that cuts 
   perpendicularly all plumb lines that it mee ts and hence would everywhere 
   coincide with a surface of still water 6b: the plane of the horizon or a 
   line in it  7: a horizontal passage in a mine intended for regular working 
   and transpor tation 8: a concentration of a constituent of the blood or 
   other body fluid  9: the magnitude of a quantity considered in relation to 
   an arbitrary refer ence value : bona fide : HONEST  - on the level 
2. level \'lev-(*-)lin\ vb or lev.eled or lev.elled;  or lev.el.ing;  or 
   lev.el.ling 1: to make (a line or surface) horizontal : make flat or level  
   2a: to bring to a horizontal aiming position  2b: AIM, DIRECT  3: to bring 
   to a common level or plane : EQUALIZE  4: to lay level with the ground : 
   RAZE  5: to make even, equal, or uniform  6: to find the heights of 
   different points in (a piece of land) esp. with  a surveyor's level 1: to 
   attain or come to a level  2: to aim a gun or other weapon horizontally  3: 
   to bring persons or things to a level  4: to deal frankly and openly 
3. level aj 1a: having no part higher than another : conforming to the 
   curvature of  the liquid parts of the earth's surface 1b: parallel with the 
   plane of the horizon : HORIZONTAL  2a: even or unvarying in height  2b: 
   equal in advantage, progression, or standing  2c: proceeding monotonously 
   or uneventfully  2d1: STEADY, UNWAVERING  2d2: CALM, UNEXCITED  2e: 
   contested on even terms  3: BALANCED {a ~ head}  4: distributed evenly {~ 
   stress}  5: being a surface perpendicular to all lines of force in a field 
   of force  : EQUIPOTENTIAL 6: suited to a particular rank or plane of 
   ability or achievement {top-(Xlevel thinking} 7: bona fide  8: of or 
   relating to the spreading out of a cost or charge in even payment s over a 
   period of timehaving a surface like that of a calm sea. LEVEL applies 
   specifically to a horizontal surface conforming to the curvature of the 
   earth or to the line from horizon to horizon; FLAT applies to a surface 
   free of prominences or depressions; PLANE applies to any real or imaginary 
   flat surface in which a straight line between any two points on it lies 
   continuously in it; EVEN stresses lack of breaks or irregularities in a 
   surface or line but does not imply the horizontal, the straight, or the 
   plane; SMOOTH implies a relatively perfect evenness : very best  - level 
   best  SYN syn LEVEL, FLAT, PLANE, EVEN, SMOOTH mean