Webster's English Dictionary

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1. leap \'le-p\ \'le-pt also 'lept\ \'le--pin\ \'le--p*r\ vb or leaped or 
   leapt;  or leap.ing [ME lepen, fr. OE hle-apan; akin to OHG hlouffan to 
   run] 1: to spring free from or as if from the ground : JUMP {~  over a 
   fence fish ~s out of the water} 2a: to pass abruptly from one state or 
   topic to another  2b: to act precipitately {~ed at the chance}  : to pass 
   over by a leap  - leap.er n
2. leap n 1a: an act of leaping : SPRING, BOUND  1b1: a place leaped over 
   or from  1b2: the distance covered by a leap  2: a sudden transition