Webster's English Dictionary

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mov.ing \'mu:-vin-le-\ aj 1: marked by or capable of movement  2a: 
   producing or transferring motion or action  2b: arousing or affecting the 
   emotions or sensibilitiesMPATHETIC: MOVING may apply to any strong 
   emotional effect including thrilling, agitating, saddening, calling forth 
   pity or sympathy; IMPRESSIVE implies compelling attention, admiration, 
   wonder, or conviction; POIGNANT applies to what keenly or sharply affects 
   one's sensitivities esp. in compelling pity or inducing nostalgia; 
   AFFECTING is close to MOVING but most often suggests pathos; TOUCHING 
   implies arousing tenderness or compassion; PATHETIC implies moving to pity 
   or sometimes contempt - mov.ing.ly av SYN syn IMPRESSIVE, POIGNANT,