Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. string                
1. line \'li-n\ vt [ME linen, fr. line flax, fr. OE li-n - more at LINEN] 
   1: to cover the inner surface of {~ cloak with silk}  2: to put something 
   in the inside of : SUPPLY  3: to serve as the lining of {tapestries lined 
   the walls}  obs  4: FORTIFY  : to take money freely esp. from questionable 
   sources  - line one's pockets 
2. line also lin.ey \'li--ne-\ n [ME; partly fr. OF ligne, fr. L linea, fr. 
   fem. of lineus mad] often attrib e of flax, fr. linum flax; partly fr. OE 
   li-ne; akin to OE li-n 1a: THREAD, STRING, CORD, ROPE : as  1a1: a 
   comparatively strong slender cord  1a2: CLOTHESLINE  1a3: a rope used on 
   shipboard  1b1: a device for catching fish consisting of a cord with hooks 
   and other a ppurtenances 1b2: scope for activity  1c: a length of material 
   used in measuring and leveling  1d: piping for conveying a fluid (as steam) 
    1e1: a wire or pair of wires connecting one telegraph or telephone station 
    with another or a whole system of such wires 1e2: the principal circuits 
   of an electric power system  2a: a horizontal row of written or printed 
   characters  2b: a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the 
   grouping of a n umber of the smallest units of the rhythm (as metrical 
   feet) 2c: a short letter : NOTE  2d: a certificate of marriage  2e: the 
   words making up a part in a drama - usu. used in pl.  3a: something (as a 
   ridge or seam) that is distinct, elongated, and narrow  3b: a narrow crease 
   (as on the face) : CRINKLE  3c: the course or direction of something in 
   motion : ROUTE  3d1: a real or imaginary straight line oriented in terms of 
   stable points o f reference 3d2: a state of agreeement  3e: a boundary esp. 
   of a plot of ground - usu. used in pl.  3f: the track and roadbed of a 
   railway  4a: a course of conduct, action, or thought  4b: a field of 
   activity or interest  4c: a glib often persuasive way of talking  5a: 
   LIMIT, RESTRAINT  archaic  5b: position in life : LOT  6a1: FAMILY, LINEAGE 
    6a2: a strain produced and maintained by selective breeding  6a3: a 
   chronological series  6b: dispositions made to cover extended military 
   positions and presenting a  front to the enemy - usu. used in pl. 6c: a 
   military formation in which the different elements are abreast of eac h 
   other 6d: naval ships arranged in a regular order  6e1: the combatant 
   forces of an army distinguished from the staff corps and  supply services 
   6e2: the force of a regular navy  6f1: officers of the navy eligible for 
   command at sea distinguished from of ficers of the staff 6f2: officers of 
   the army belonging to a combatant branch  6g: a rank of objects of one kind 
    6h: a group of public conveyances plying regularly under one management 
   ove r a route; broadly : a system of transportation or the company owning 
   or operating it 6i: a succession of musical notes esp. considered in 
   melodic phrases  6j: an arrangement of operations in manufacturing 
   permitting sequential occ urrence on various stages of production 6k1: the 
   7 players including center, 2 guards, 2 tackles, and 2 ends who in  
   offensive football play line up on or within one foot of the line of 
   scrimmage 6k2: the players who indefensive play line up within one yard of 
   the line o f scrimmage 7: a narrow elongated mark drawn or projected : as  
   7a1: a circle of latitude or longitude on a map  7a2: EQUATOR  7b: a mark 
   (as on a map) recording a boundary, division, or contour  7c: any of the 
   horizontal parallel strokes on a music staff  7d: a mark (as by pencil) 
   that forms part of the formal design of a picture  distinguished from the 
   shading or color 7e: a division on a bridge score dividing the honors from 
   the tricks  7f1: a demarcation of a limit with reference to which the 
   playing of some g ame or sport is regulated - usu. used in combination 7f2: 
   LINE OF SCRIMMAGE  8: a straight or curved geometric element that is 
   generated by a moving poi nt and that has extension only along the path of 
   the point : CURVE 9a: a defining outline : CONTOUR  9b: a general plan : 
   MODEL - usu. used in pl.  chiefly Brit  10a: PICA - used to indicate the 
   size of large type  10b: the unit of fineness of halftones expressed as the 
   number of screen li nes to the linear inch 11: a stock of goods on hand of 
   the same general class of articles  12: a source of information : INSIGHT  
   13: a complete game of 10 frames in bowling  : all the way : FULLY  : due 
   or in a position to receive  1: in full view and at hazard  2: on the 
   border between two categories  3: IMMEDIATELY  - lin.y aj
3. line vt 1: to mark or cover with a line or lines  2: to depict with 
   lines : DRAW  3: to place or form a line along {pedestrians ~ the walks}  
   4a: to form into a line or lines : ALIGN {~ up troops}  4b: ORGANIZE {~ up 
   votes}  5: to throw or hit (as a baseball) so as to cause to travel swiftly 
   and no t far above the ground 1: to form a line - often used with up  2: to 
   hit a line drive in baseball  3: ALIGN  a line or lines. LINE implies a 
   setting in single file or in parallel rows; ALIGN implies a bringing of 
   points or parts into a straight line; RANGE implies a forming in parallel 
   lines but may connote a separation into groups or classes; ARRAY applies 
   esp. to a setting in battle order and therefore suggests readiness for 
   action or use as well as impressive aspect SYN syn LINE, ALIGN, RANGE, 
   ARRAY mean to arrange in