Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sa.line \'sa--.le-n, -.li-n\ \sa--'lin-*t-e-, s*-\ aj [ME, fr. L 
   salinus, fr. sal salt - more at SALT] 1: consisting of or containing salt 
   {a ~ solution}  2: of, relating to, or resembling salt : SALTY {a ~ taste)> 
   {~ compounds} 3: consisting of or relating to the salts of the alkali 
   metals or of magne sium {a ~ cathartic} - sa.lin.i.ty n
2. sa.line \1 usu s*-'le-n, 2 & 3 usu 'sa--.le-n or 'sa--.li\ n-n 1a: a 
   natural deposit of common salt or other soluble salt  1b: SALINA  2: a 
   metallic salt; esp : a salt of potassium, sodium, or magnesium  with a 
   cathartic action 3: a saline solution; esp : one isotonic with body fluids