Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scho.las.tic \sk*-'las-tik\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ aj [ML & L; ML scholasticus 
   of the schoolmen, fr. L, of a school, fr. Gk ]scholastikos, fr. scholazein 
   to keep a school, fr. schole- school often cap  1a: of or relating to 
   Scholasticism {~ theology ~ philosophy } 1b: excessively subtle : PEDANTIC  
   2: of or relating to schools or scholars  - scho.las.ti.cal.ly av
2. scholastic n [NL scholasticus, fr. L scholasticus, adj.] cap  1a: a 
   Scholastic philosopher  1b: PEDANT, FORMALIST  2: a student in a 
   scholasticate  3: one who adopts scholastic or traditional methods in art