Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. teach                 
1. school \'sku:l\ n [ME scole, fr. OE sco-l, fr. L schola, fr. Gk schole]- 
   leisure, discussion, lecture, school; akin to Gk echein to hold - more at 
   SCHEME 1a1: a group of scholars and teachers pursuing knowledge (as in a 
   particula r field) and constituting a college of a medieval university pl  
   1a2: the academic or learned world : UNIVERSITIES  1b: the students 
   attending a school; also : its teachers and studen ts 1c1: persons who hold 
   a common doctrine or follow the same teacher (as in p hilosophy, theology, 
   or medicine) 1c2: a group of artists under a common influence  2a: an 
   institution for the teaching of children  2b: an institution for 
   specialized higher education usu. within a universit y 2c: a school 
   building  3a: the process of teaching or learning  3b: attendance at a 
   school  3c: a session of a school  4: the regulations governing military 
   drill of individuals or units; als o : the exercises carried out {the ~ of 
   the soldier}
2. school vt 1: to educate in an institution of learning  2a: to teach or 
   drill in a specific knowledge or skill {well ~e d in languages} 2b: to 
   discipline or habituate to something {~ oneself in patience }
3. school n [ME scole, fr. MD schole; akin to OE scolu multitude, scyl]ian 
   to separate - more at SKILL : a large number of fish or aquatic animals of 
   one kind swimming together 
4. school vi : to swim or feed in a school {bluefish are ~ing}