1. smudge \'sm*j\ vb [ME smogen] 1a: to make a smudge on 1b: to soil as if by smudging 2a: to rub, daub, or wipe in a smeary manner 2b: to make indistinct : BLUR 3: to smoke or protect by means of a smudge 1: to make a smudge 2: to become smudged 2. smudge \'sm*j-*-le-\ \'sm*j-e--n*s\ \-e-\ n 1a: a blurry spot or streak 1b: an immaterial stain 1c: an indistinct mass : BLUR 2: a smoldering mass placed on the windward side (as to repel insects or pr otect from frost) - av