Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wipe \'wi-p\ vt [ME wipen, fr. OE wi-pian; akin to OHG wi-fan to wind 
   a]round, L vibrare to vibrate 1a: to rub with or as if with something soft 
   for cleaning  1b: to clean or dry by rubbing  1c: to draw, pass, or move 
   for or as if for rubbing or cleaning  2a: to remove by or as if by rubbing  
   2b1: to expunge completely : OBLITERATE  2b2: to cause to cease to exist : 
   ANNIHILATE - usu. used with Xout 3a: to spread by or as if by wiping  3b: 
   to form (a joint between lead pipes) by applying solder in repeated in 
   crements individually spread and shaped with greased cloth pads
2. wipe n 1a: BLOW, STRIKE  1b: GIBE, JEER  2: an act or instance of wiping 
    3: something used for wiping