1. streak \'stre-k\ n [ME streke, fr. OE strica; akin to OHG strich line, L
stri]ga row - more at STRIKE 1: a line or mark of a different color or
texture from the ground : ST RIPE 2a: the color of the fine powder of a
mineral obtained by scratching or rub bing against a hard white surface and
constituting an important distinguishing character 2b: inoculum implanted
in a line on a solid medium 3a: a narrow band of light 3b: a lightning
bolt 4a: a slight admixture : TRACE 4b: a brief run (as of luck) 4c: a
consecutive series {winning ~} 5: a narrow layer (as of ore)
2. streak vt : to make streaks on or in : STRIATE to move swiftly : RUSH)M