Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bearing                2. method                
man.ner \'man-*r\ n [ME manere, fr. OF maniere way of acting, fr. (assumed) 
   VL manua]ria, fr. L, fem. of manuarius of the hand, fr. manus hand - more 
   at MANUAL 1: KIND, SORT  2a1: a characteristic or customary mode of acting 
   : CUSTOM  2a2: a mode of procedure or way of acting : FASHION  2a3: method 
   of artistic execution or mode of presentation : STYLE  pl  2b: social 
   conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs  2c: BEARING, 
   MIEN  pl  2d1: habitual conduct or deportment : BEHAVIOR  pl  2d2: good 
   manners  2e: a distinguished or stylish air