Webster's English Dictionary

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1. squat \'skwa:t\ vb or squat.ted;  or squat.ting [ME squatten, fr. MF 
   esquatir, fr. es- ex- (fr. L ex-)]+ quatir to press, fr. (assumed) VL 
   coactire to press together, fr. L coactus, pp. of cogere to drive together 
   - more at COGENT 1: to cause (oneself) to crouch or sit on the ground  2: 
   to occupy as a squatter  1: CROUCH, COWER {squatting hare}  2: to sit on 
   one's haunches or heels  3: to become a squatter 
2. squat n 1a: the act of squatting  1b: the posture of one that squats  2: 
   a place where one squats; esp : the lair of a small animal {R@ of a hare}
3. squat aj or squat.ter;  or squat.test 1: sitting with the haunches close 
   above the heels  2: low to the ground; also : short and thick  - squat.ly 