Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pos.ture \'pa:s-ch*r\ n [F, fr. It postura, fr. L positura, fr. positus, 
   pp. of po]nere to place - more at POSITION 1: relative arrangement of the 
   different parts esp. of the body : as  1a: the position or bearing of the 
   body whether characteristic or assumed f or a special purpose {erect ~} 1b: 
   the pose of a model or artistic figure  2: relative place or position : 
   SITUATION  3: state or condition at a given time esp. in relation to other 
   persons or  things 4: frame of mind : ATTITUDE 
2. posture \-ch*r-*r\ vt : to make assume a given posture : POSE to assume 
   a posture; e sp : to strike a pose for effect - pos.tur.er n