Webster's English Dictionary

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1. test \'test\ n [ME, vessel in which metals were assayed, cupel, fr. MF, 
   fr. L testum ear]then vessel; akin to L testa earthen pot, shell, texere to 
   weave - more at TECHNICAL chiefly Brit  1a: CUPEL  1b1: a critical 
   examination, observation, or evaluation : TRIAL  1b2: a basis for 
   evaluation : CRITERION  1c: an ordeal or oath required as proof of 
   conformity with a set of beliefs  2a: a means of testing : as  2a1: a 
   procedure, reaction, or reagent used to identify or characterize a s 
   ubstance or constituent 2a2: a series of questions or exercises or other 
   means of measuring the ski ll, knowledge, intelligence, capacities, or 
   aptitudes of an individual or group 2b: a positive result in such a test 
2. test \'tes-t*-b*l\ vt 1: to put to test or proof : TRY  2: to require a 
   doctrinal oath of  1a: to undergo a test  1b: to achieve a rating on the 
   basis of tests  2: to apply a test as a means of analysis or diagnosis - 
   used with fo r {~ for mechanical aptitude} - test.able aj
3. test n [L testa shell] : an external hard or firm covering (as a shell) 
   of many invertebrates