Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sub.sti.tute \'s*b-st*-.t(y)u:t\ n [ME, fr. L substitutus, pp. of 
   substituere to put in place of, fr.]sub- + statuere to set up, place - more 
   at STATUTE 1: a person or thing that takes the place of another  2: a word 
   that replaces another word, phrase, or clause in a context  - substitute aj
2. substitute \.s*b-st*-'t(y)u:-sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ \-e-\ 
   \-sh*-.ner-e-\ vt 1: to put in the place of another : EXCHANGE  2: REPLACE  
   : to serve as a substitute  - sub.sti.tu.tion n