1. ex.change \iks-'cha-nj, 'eks-.\ n [ME exchaunge, fr. MF eschange, fr.
eschangier to exchange, f]r. (assumed) VL excambiare, fr. L ex- + cambiare
to exchange - more at CHANGE 1: the act of giving or taking one thing in
return for another : TRADE 2a: the act of substituting one thing for
another 2b: reciprocal giving and receiving 3: something offered, given,
or received in an exchange; also : an item or article reprinted from a
newspaper 4a: funds payable currently at a distant point either in a
foreign currency or in domestic currency 4b1: interchange or conversion of
the money of two countries or of current and uncurrent money with
allowance for difference in value 4b2: the amount of one currency that will
buy a given amount of another 4b3: the amount of the difference in value
between two currencies or betwee n values at two places 5: a place where
things or services are exchanged : as 5a: an organized market or center
for trading in securities or commodities 5b: a store or shop specializing
in merchandise usu. of a particular type 5c: a cooperative store or
society 5d: a central office in which telephone lines are connected to
permit commu nication
2. exchange \-*-b*l\ vt 1a: to part with, give, or transfer in
consideration of something received as an equivalent 1b: to have replaced
by other merchandise 2: to part with for a substitute 3: BARTER, SWAP 1:
to pass or become received in exchange 2: to engage in an exchange - aj