Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sus.pect \'s*s-.pekt, s*-'spekt\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L suspectus, fr. 
   pp. of suspicere] : regarded with suspicion : SUSPECTED 
2. sus.pect \'s*s-.pekt\ n : one who is suspected 
3. sus.pect \s*-'spekt\ vb [ME suspecten, fr. L suspectare, fr. suspectus, 
   pp. of sus]picere to look up at, regard with awe, suspect, fr. sub-, sus- 
   up, secretly + specere to look at - more at SUB-, SPY 1: to have doubts of 
   : DISTRUST  2: to imagine (one) to be guilty or culpable on slight evidence 
   or without  proof 3: to imagine to be or be true, likely, or probable : 
   SURMISE  : to imagine something true or likely