Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tar \'ta:r\ n [ME terr, tarr, fr. OE teoru; akin to OE tre-ow tree] 
   [short for tarpaulin] - more at TREE 1: a dark brown or black bituminous, 
   usu. odorous viscous liquid obtained b y destructive distillation of 
   organic material (as wood, coal, or peat) 2: SEAMAN, SAILOR {salt ~s} 
2. tar vt or tarred;  or tar.ring : to smear with or as if with tar 
3. tar or tarre \'ta:r\ vt or tarred;  or tar.ring or tars or tarres [ME 
   terren, tarren, fr. OE tyrwan] : to urge to action : INCITE - usu. used 
   with on